The family owned company located in Canton, Ohio began manufacturing in 1923. The BOWDIL name came from founders Newton K. BOWman and John DILlon.

Bowman and Dillon began BOWDIL primarily as a mining manufacturing company, but also had machining experience. Before retiring, Newton Bowman received 125 patents, mostly pertaining to the mining industry.

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In 1995, Robert Morrow, great grandson of Newton Bowman, and J Britton Morrow, great, great grandson of Newton Bowman, arrived at BOWDIL with ideas of expanding services and capabilities. They have succeeded in expanding the design, fabrication, machining, and heat treat capabilities and maintain a high standard for these services. BOWDIL is continually investing in new equipment to evolve with current machining, fabrication and heat treating needs; this allows The BOWDIL Company to be a leader in the manufacturing arena.